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Mud Management Panels for Horses and Livestock

Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Adding sand over Horse Paddock Grid
Horse Mud Control Grids installed over Grass
Cut Horse Mud Control Grid with circular saw
Interlocking Mud Horse Grids
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Up Close holes in Mud Control Drainage Grid
Before and After install of Horse Mud Management grids in paddock
HAHN Plastics mud control grids
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
two black horses walking on mud control grid
Sand over black plastic paddock grids
mud control grid square
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Adding sand over Horse Paddock Grid
Horse Mud Control Grids installed over Grass
Cut Horse Mud Control Grid with circular saw
Interlocking Mud Horse Grids
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Up Close holes in Mud Control Drainage Grid
Before and After install of Horse Mud Management grids in paddock
HAHN Plastics mud control grids
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
two black horses walking on mud control grid
Sand over black plastic paddock grids
mud control grid square
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid
Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid

Horse Paddock Mud Control Grid

Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse standing on Paddock Footing Grid
Horse Paddock Flooring Grid Installation
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
black plastic equine paddock grid
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Footing grid installed on side yard
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse standing on Paddock Footing Grid
Horse Paddock Flooring Grid Installation
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
black plastic equine paddock grid
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Footing grid installed on side yard
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab
Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab

Horse Paddock Footing Grid - Paddock Slab

PNW30 Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric
PNW30 Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric

PNW30 Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric - 6' x 300' Roll


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Mud Management Panels & Grids

Areas frequented by livestock and horses are often plagued with mud related issues especially in the wet season. When an area experiences heavy rainfall where proper drainage is not installed mud will usually become an issue. This issue is made much worse when animals walk or stand on the mud which creates large ruts and ultimately deep mud. Areas with deep mud can result in injury and disease to horses and livestock as well as making it very difficult to traverse for humans or farm machinery. We offer two different mud management panels (grids), (also referred to as "mud mats") options specially designed to remedy muddy livestock areas, one that is placed in ground and the other which is simply placed on top of the ground. Below their differences and specific advantages are described in further detail.

Paddock Slab

When a heavy-duty in-ground mud grid is needed the Paddock Slab is the ideal choice. Paddock slabs are specifically designed for horses but can withstand the but is strong enough to support the full weight of a truck.

Many other hard plastic pavers on the market are primarily designed for vehicles which support equestrian traffic as a secondary usage. These products are designed for car tires which typically provide a load of 135 psi. A hoof in contact with the ground emits 185 psi which can easily cause vehicle-designed pavers to shatter leaving sharp edges and reduced support. Paddock Slabs are specifically designed for equestrian traffic and are ultra-reinforced. To resist shattering, Paddock Slabs are able to flex by more than 10% without breaking.

Paddock Slabs are a great long term solution and provide a reinforced mud-free paddock for decades of regular use.

In-Ground Mud Management Panel

In-Ground Mud Management Panel

Mud Management Grid placed on top of the ground

Mud Management Grid placed on top of the ground

Mud Control Grid

The Mud Control Grid are designed to allow for a mud-free paddock with an ultra-easy installation. The grids can be installed on top of the ground and over existing mud and are strong enough to support horses, livestock, vehicles and tractors. The surface is perforated allowing for easy drainage. Additionally, the grids sit up from the ground allowing for water storage beneath. The grids are easily interlocked to create larger mud-free surfaces.

horse mud control grids

Horse Paddock Mud Control Grids 101

Did you know that the thick mud in the horse’s paddock can cause a number of issues for horses? Fortunately, you can keep your horse free from issues like hoof abscesses, bacterial infections and injuries by using mud control grids.

Horse paddock mud control grids mitigate mud from horse paddocks. They are best used in places with heavy rainfall and poor drainage. These grids can either be mud control grids laid on top the ground, or paddock slabs that are permanently embedded in the ground. 

In this article, we'll discuss horse paddock mud control grids in detail and expound on the difference between paddock slabs and mud control grids. Continue reading for this and more information to help ensure your horse stalls, walkways, and paddock areas are free from mud. 

Mud Control Grid

Horse Paddock Mud control grids are mud management panels that offer solutions to muddy livestock areas. They help avoid mucky messes in horse paddocks where water settles. Moreover, they provide a stable ground where your horse or other livestock can stand. 

Horse paddocks are prone to getting muddy for a number of reasons like horse urination (on the same spots), worn out watering (and feeding areas), low water collection spots, and barn roof runoff. 

Installing the paddock slab grids in these areas helps make the area more comfortable for your horses. These horse paddocks are also effective during the summer as they can help reduce dust which is also unhealthy for you and your animals.

Also, horse paddock mud control grids make it easy for people and agricultural equipment to navigate easily past the mud. They are mainly used in high traffic areas such as around the gates and the feeding location. Other areas where mud control grids can come in handy include pathways and drives, open stables, riding arenas, under sheds, and around pens.

However, this does not mean that you are restricted to using them only in high-traffic areas as you can also install them all over the paddock for best outcomes.  Horse paddock mud control grids can bear a weight of up to 11,200 pounds (5,080 kilograms) per square foot. This means they are strong enough to park and even drive cars or trucks.

Additionally, you can use them in the pasture, gated areas, or any low-lying location that receives water from other places and becomes messy. 

What Is the Difference Between Paddock Slab Grid and Mud Control for Horses?

Paddock slab grids are mud management grids that are embedded in the ground. They are best for use on permanent ground. On the other hand, mud control grids are grids built directly on top of the ground and over existing mud.

The comparison table below explains the differences between paddock slab grids and mud control for horses better.  

Horse Paddock Slab VS. Mud Control Grid At A Glance

Paddock Slab GridsMud Control Grids
Paddock Slab Grids They are a perfect choice when you need a heavy-duty in-ground grid. They are embedded in the ground. They are installed on the ground or over existing mud. You don't have to install them inside the ground.
Paddock Slab Grids are suitable for in-ground permanent use. You can flex the paddock slabs by up to 10% to help prevent shattering. This makes them super strengthened and can withstand heavyweight for decades. They are suitable for heavy traffic walkways, paths, or near fence lines.
A great choice if your horse paddock is on permanent land for years of use. Opt for mud control grids if you are in a temporary location, for instance, if you are leasing land.
Paddock Slab Grids require in-ground installation and are filled with appropriate aggregate in-fill material such as gravel, saw dust, or arena sand.Mud Control Grids are loved for their ease of installing them up and maintaining them. Sand is typically brushed over them to get the grids to settle.
Require a substructure of compacted soil. Careful installation is necessary to ensure they function effectively.They are installed on top of the existing ground or mud. 
Support approximately 34 tons (31,751 kilograms).They can support approximately 25 tons (22,679 kilograms).
Although they are manufactured mainly for livestock, they can be multipurpose. They are strong enough to support the weight of cars and trucks. They can be multipurpose. They are strong enough to support the weight of animals and other heavyweight tools or vehicles .
Horse Paddock Footing Grid Slab

Horse Paddock Slab

Horse Mud Control Grid

Mud Control Grid

What Is the Difference Between Paddock Slab Grid and Mud Control for Horses?

Horse paddock mud control grids are needed since they help keep your horse comfortable. Additionally, they make it easy to work and walk in the horse paddock while also improving its overall aesthetics. 

Make It Easy To Work in the Horse Paddock

When the horse paddock is excessively muddy, it becomes challenging for both the horse and the owner to access the stable. Getting into the stable either for feeding or routine maintenance, among other reasons, becomes a significant problem.

The mud control grids prevent the surface from becoming too muddy, thereby allowing for easy access. Moreover, with the mud control grids around, you reduce the maintenance duties in the stable by more than half. They are also perforated to make it possible to drain water and create mud-free surfaces.

Improve the Aesthetics of the Paddock

A muddy paddock is not attractive. You may want to spend some time with your horse in the stable but instead, you shun the idea due to the unpleasant state of the paddock. With the horse paddock mud control grids, you improve the aesthetics of the stable, making the environment conducive for both you and your beloved horses. 

What Do Mud Control Grids Do?

Mud control grids support a hygienic surface for your horse by reducing standing mud in the horse paddock. Additionally, they are strong enough to provide a stable surface where you can drive your car, truck, and other agricultural equipment without struggling in the mud.

Mud control grids help you save money that you could otherwise spend on horse treatment and typical stable maintenance care practices. 

Additionally, paddock mud control grids give you the peace of mind that your horse is in a safe, mud-free environment. The grids are usually well-spaced to ensure that your horse does not get stuck in them or injure themselves on tough edges. 

These mud management grids are safe and strong enough to withstand even the toughest horse activities. They also promote stability and strengthen the surface to hold a weight of about 25 tons (22,679 kilograms). They are made of strong materials that are durable without wear and tear. 

How Do You Install Mud Control Grids? 

When setting up mud control grids, you should first designate the area where you want to install the grids.

Place the grids on this area and interlock them to help cover a larger area. Cover the grids with dry dirt to ensure they are on the same level as the surrounding dirt. 

This step by step process flows as follows:

1. Allocate the Place To Set Up the Mud Control Grids

Designate the area in the paddock where you expect to install the grids. You can install them all over the paddock or only in the high traffic areas. These are around the feeding spot, near the gate, and other areas where your horses usually frequent. 

2. Prepare the Designated Area 

Prepare the designated area by eliminating the excess mud and soil. 

If you are using the paddock slab grids, prepare the ground to the level where it is enough to create a substructure. On the other hand, there is minimal preparation if you are using mud control grids since they are installed on the ground. 

3. Use Gravel To Prevent Plant Growth

You will often find plants growing in horse barns as they find these conditions favorable for their growth. Even in the presence of the mud control grids, these plants are likely to grow due to soil moisture.

Therefore, you can prevent this growth by making the soil unfavorable for plant growth. Pouring gravel is an effective way to prevent the growth of these unwanted plants. 

4. Lay the Grids in Place

Carefully spread the grids and lay them on the prepared ground. Later, use dry dirt to cover the grids to keep the area dry and prevent erosion.

Gravel can also work in place of the dry dirt as it helps fill the gaps in the grids, ensuring they sink to embed in the soil. This makes the structures more stable and effective. 

Three Common Mistakes To Avoid when Using Mud Control Grids

Some common mistakes when using mud control grids are failing to check on your horse and maintaining the paddock. Additionally, it is a mistake to allow water to flow directly to the mud control grids, which could have a negative effect on your animals’ welfare. 

1. Failing To Check on Your Horse

After installing mud control grids. it is advisable to keep checking on your horse even after installing the grids to ensure they are comfortable. It is also necessary to check whether the grids are working efficiently and making your animals’ lives easier. 

2. Lack of Maintenance

Mud control grids help avoid muddy horse paddocks. 

However, this does not mean that you do away with all maintenance practices in the horse paddock. Instead, schedule maintenance practices in the stable as often as possible. Thankfully, now that there are slabs, maintenance will not be as complicated as before.

3. Allowing Water To Flow to These Slabs

Sure, these slabs are meant to prevent mud in the paddock. However, too much water flowing to the paddocks is not good both for your horses and the structure.

Therefore, if the stable is in a low-lying area, plan to shift the stable to a high land or avoid having water flow to the slabs. This will help maintain the quality of the slabs and ensure that the horses are comfortable. Install dtrainage where neccesary.

Factors To Consider When Buying Mud Control Grids

Selecting the best mud control grids can be complicated, especially when choosing from several brands. To help you make the best mud control grids, you should ask the following questions.

  • Will this new surface be safe for your horse to stand, walk, or run on?
  • Is the material used to make the girds harmful to the horse or the humans around?
  • How much does the mud control grid cost?
  • Is it possible to collect manure from these grids?

Choose the mud control grid whose characteristics fit your preferences and are most suitable for your horse and other livestock.


Nothing is more frustrating and uncomfortable for your horse than spending hours in sticky mud. 

As a horse owner, it is wise to invest in quality mud control grids to make life easier for them, especially during the rainy season. 

It will also be easier for you to take care for your animals in a mud-free zone. The horse paddock is also cleaner, safer, and more appealing to the eye with paddock mud control grids installed.