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Mirafi 140N Filter Fabric

Mirafi 140N Geotextile Fabric ImageMirafi 140N Geotextile Filter Fabric:

The TenCate Mirafi® N-Series is non-woven polypropylene geotextile filter fabric which is constructed of stable fibers used for soil drainage, filtration and separation. This product is a combination of great durability and exceptional hydraulic and physical properties. They are produced from polypropylene fibers offering a combination of great water flow and excellent durability while offering exceptional soil retention.

TenCate Mirafi® N-Series geotextile filter fabrics are used in a variety of ways including subsurface drainage and roadway separation functions.

TenCate Mirafi® N-Series non-woven polypropylene geotextiles are used for:

Drainage – Filtration – Separation

These powerful non-woven polypropylene geotextiles allow for:

• Easy conformity to the ground or trench surfaces for easy installation.
• Very Cost-Effective
• Properties that allow for excellent water flow while maintaining excellent soil retention.
• Chemically staple for aggressive environment system solutions.

Waste Management Uses:

• Landfill Filtration and Drainage
• Barrier Water Management
• Subsurface Drainage
• Athletic Fields
• Highways
• Water Containment
• Under Airfields
• Water Protection

What is Mirafi?

We frequently get asked which is the most popular Geotextile Fabric, or which landscape fabric should be used for my project and unanimously we direct clients to the Mirafi Geotextile line of fabrics.  The following describes the Mirafi brand. 

Mirafi by TenCate is a leading brand of Geotextile fabrics, offering both woven and nonwoven fabrics. These fabric applications range from drainage, ground stabilization, soil separation, shoreline erosion, roads/driveways, and landscape weed barrier.

Common Mirafi fabrics are the N-Series for Non-woven, and the X, HP, & RSI Series woven geotextiles.

Case Studies:

Mirafi 140N – Livermore, CA

TenCate’s goal is to produce materials that are highly functional in order to increase performance, reduce costs, and deliver the best results by offering customers advanced solutions for their construction projects.

The Objective:

Over the past 20 years, the Hanson Aggregates Quarry had been operating in Livermore, California providing gravel and rock to the surrounding areas. This area was slotted for future wetlands and groundwater recharging. The owner of the quarry was required to bring the massive acreage back to its condition before the quarry was in place. This was a huge project that consisted of thousands of cubic yards of soil to fill in the vacant places created by years of excavating rock and was required for restoration.

This also included a 40-foot high slope and a sedimentation pond. The massive slope required reinforcement to prevent casting off fill from the slope face and landing in the sedimentation pond. It also required proper drainage in order to ensure global stability.

Mirafi 140N Hillside


The Designing Process:

Designing for the slope required compacted engineered fill to correctly drain and prevent failure and to reinforce the surface to prevent the loss of soil from the face.

Mirafi 140N Drain RockProper drainage of the slope was performed through the use of Mirafi G200N and Mirafi 140N. The engineer chose Mirafi G200N geocomposite drain to intercept groundwater and prevent saturation within the engineered fill. Mirafi G200N can be installed as one continuous piece from the top of the slope and back down to the bottom to form a chimney drain. It can be installed all at one time or unrolled upward as the fill placement rises. Implementing Mirafi G200N took away many concerns and construction nightmares that are often existing around the rock chimney drain that can only be placed one lift at a time in order to prevent soil intrusion. They used Mirafi 140N as an absorbent separator geotextile that was wrapped around the drain rock at the foot of the slope. Mirafi 140N geotextile filter fabric will allow water to pass through, freely, while preventing fine grain soils from landing in the drain rock.

G200N was then incorporated into the Mirafi 140N wrapping at the foot of the slope. It was also required to be used in the outer 4 feet of the slope face to keep surface stability for the slope face. The Mirafi Miragrid 2XT was designed specifically to be placed every two vertical feet for the entire height of the slope. The slope was provided with a temporary erosion blanket for protection for the hydro-seeded slope.

Note: if your project also needs a retaining wall fabric for block wall reinforcement we have multiple roll size options available.

Mirafi 140N Hill Side


The contractor had no issues with the geosynthetic placement and the project was completed successfully and on time. The Miragrid 2XT is flexible and easy to handle making installation of the surface reinforcement a very simple process and will not lead to any problems.

While moving up the slope, Mirafi G200N will easily unroll as one continuous piece. This will remove the challenging chore of placing rocks at every single lift in order to form a rock chimney drain.

Mirafi Geotextile Hill Placement

For additional information, and CAD details please see the TenCate website.



Mirafi 140N – Palm Desert, CA

Porus Parking LotThe Objective:

This project involved new construction blending with the natural desert surroundings while providing a safe environment for the public at the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens. The Living Desert Zoo & Gardens also needed an environmentally friendly parking lot that was durable that would work for thousands of yearly visitors to their location.

One of their major concerns was water run-off from storms that would potentially harm the surrounding areas. Typically, asphalt parking lots, oils, and other contaminants will mix in with stormwater and add to contaminating adjacent areas as well. The challenge for the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens was in constructing a paved system where the water could be collected and used for their watering needs and not become contaminated by harmful elements. The areas that border the animal enclosures and the parking lot needed retaining walls that would also blend with the natural surroundings.


The Designing Process:

The Infiltrastone paving system was designed to help in storm situations that exceed 2 inches per hour. This seemed like the perfect solution for the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens that wanted a porous pavement system or absorbent paving system. The Living Desert chose the Pavestone Infiltrastone system to meet their needs. This system removes contaminants from stormwater and improves the quality of the water as well. Studies are ongoing to find out how well the Infiltrastone system really works in removing these contaminants. Mirafi® 140N was utilized as a separator between two aggregate layers. The Mirafi® 140N kept the bedding material from seeping into the larger aggregate layer that was situated below. The Living Desert Zoo & Gardens did not want petroleum-based products used during the construction of their parking lot

The manufacturing of the pavers provided incredible flexibility and provided elimination of any painted surfaces for the handicapped areas. Another product that the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens incorporated into their construction plans was the Pavestone Anchor Diamond Pro wall system. This multi-colored Anchor Diamond wall was reinforced with Miragrid® 3XT and 5XT. The wall's height varied from 8 to 12 feet and used a two-tiered design to save on costs.

The construction of the parking lot had structural areas that consisted of an 8-inch layer of crushed granite that was placed on the compacted subgrade. The Mirafi® 140N was installed over the aggregate layer before placing the 2-inch gap graded #6 granite bedding layer.


Note: If you are looking for a bit more strength then consider our medium grade separation and drainage fabric.

Palm Desert Living Zoo Parking Lot